Osimis focuses on the development of technological solutions in the area of medical imaging transfer, management and exploitation.

The Lify solution is based on the Orthanc open source server, which was developed at the Liège University Hospital.

Lify helps hospitals and medical companies share medical images (via PACS-to-PACS exchanges, portal access, cloud archiving and sharing). The solution provides functions such as data extraction from PACS, data anonymisation and report generation.

Key differentiators are its interoperability, openness and integration potential with other complementary or value-added solutions, including IA-based imaging analysis.

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Context and Need

Hospitals, especially in the field of medical imaging, face numerous problems and challenges: Difficulties in transferring medical images (nuclear medicine, echograms, CT scans, MRI images,…


Facts and Figures

      Key Dates Creation: September 2015 Founders: Sébastien Jodogne, Frédéric Lambrechts Product market launch: 2016 International launch: 2016   Financing Phases Seed: 200.000…


Team and Inner Circle

Frédéric Lambrechts A graduate of the ICHEC management school (Brussels, Belgium), Frédéric Lambrechts worked for five years at Accenture in Luxembourg, providing consulting services to…


Digital Solution

Positioning Osimis is a spin-off of Liège University Hospital (Belgium). The startup develops technology solutions in the area of medical imaging transfer, management and exploitation.…


Value Proposition

Customer Targets   Early Customers Hospitals : Brussels-based Saint-Luc, Bordet, Saint-Pierre and Erasme hospitals, as well as the Liège-based CHU, CHR and CHC and the…


Business Development

  Business and Sales Strategy     Competitive Differentiators   Osimis’ intention is to rely on the openness and centralising potential of their Lify solution…


Use Case at a Glance

Context and Needs The shift to digital imaging has resulted in an explosion of the volume of necessary storage (the clinic total storage now stands…


Redaction : Thierry Vermeeren

Scientific direction : Thierry Vermeeren

Reading committee : Cynthia Slomian, Martine Vanschoor

Layout and graphics : Véronique Toussaint, David Renquet

Date of publication : October 2020