Opal Solutions


The solution

Opal Solutions offers Careboard solution, a centralized dashboard that allows hospitals’ managers to monitor daily activities and resources. The dashboard also includes the perception of medical staffs regarding the workload for example.

How can it help to manage the COVID-19 pandemic?

Opal Solutions has developed a new functionality in order to provide hospital with real-time resources management facing the COVID-19 epidemic. Healthcare professionals can encode data on a tablet, a smartphone or a computer to report COVID19-positive patients or alleged cases, number of beds available, etc.  

This solution can allow the Belgian hospitals to measure the occupancy rate in real-time. The Belgain authorities can also have a better understanding of the current situation and needs on the ground. Careboard can be deployed at distance, in a very short time.  

More information is available in French right here.

Target group

  • Healthcare professionals  
  • Hospitals  
  • The authorities