3SHomeCare consists of a home liaison diary, accessible by the patient, healthcare professionals, social workers, and family members.
Advelox is a GDPR compliant secured communication platform that allows patients to contact their practitioners after a consultation or hospitalisation
Andaman7 offers a personal health record in the patient’s pocket.
Bingli collects personal medical data, assesses complaints and symptoms, asks relevant questions and forwards this information to the doctor.
Biofourmis developped Biovitals Sentinel Platform, a system intended to monitor potentially infected COVID-19 patients.
Access to the 11 standards developed by CEN and potentially 3 additional ones developed jointly with ISO made available cover common filtering masks, medical gloves and protective clothing.
The CHIME (COVID-19 Hospital Impact Model for Epidemics) App is designed to assist hospitals and public health officials with understanding hospital capacity needs as they relate to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Covid-19 health crisis has provided the opportunity for Dedalus to launch its Co4Covid-19 application, enabling complete management of the patient workflow, from the diagnosis to outpatient aftercare.
Comunicare is software solution that enables patient education, therapeutic compliance, and patient reported outcomes, therefore better quality of life, better communication with care givers, better quality of care.
H4D developped the Consult Station®, the first reliable, secure and connected medical booth for remote examinations.
CORD-19 is a database that includes more than 24,000 publications related to the COVID-19 epidemic.
The COVID-19 Data Exchange is a platform allowing its participants to securely source, publish and exchange non-personal data.
Covidom is an app developed by the APHP (Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris) and Nouveal eSanté that aims to telemonitor patients at home.
Cults is a community marketplace linking 3D model creators and people willing to print three 3D models.
Datos is a flexible hospital-grade Automated Remote Care platform.
Seniors Tab by Digital Seniors is a simple solution that allows seniors to be connected
DNALytics is a Belgian startup active in massive data analysis. They developed interactive maps that allow to appreciate the evolution of the propagation of COVID-19 in Belgium.
Doctolib provides a free mobile app to allow patients to schedule an online appointment with a physician. It allows remote consultation and diagnosis.
ElliQ®is a friendly, intelligent, inquisitive presence in the daily life of the elderly person.
Epidemic Protect is a mobile app dedicated to epidemy management.
From 31 March, Sciensano will make a set of data available to interested parties on a daily basis.
ESICM-TV.org is a website providing various medical resources including a section related to COVID-19.
The company Health Factory is organizing a “hackhaton”, a design sprint-like event, to develop as quickly as possible technological solutions aimed at helping the fight against Covid-19.
Helena is a secure platform that allows healthcare practitioners to share medical documents with patients.
To meet the global challenge of COVID-19, the world must come together. IBM has resources to share — like supercomputing power, virus tracking and an AI assistant to answer citizens’ questions.
Our goal is to allow physicians to see at a glance which patients require their attention and to help them treat those patients in a duly manner. By promoting remote monitoring and preventive medicine, we help medical teams in hospitals treat their patients in a better way and get the full value of remote monitoring (risk of rehospitalisation reduced by 40% within 1 year: 1A clinical evidence according to Heart Rhythm Society). Our platform receives all the data/alerts from the 5 manufacturers platforms and several features (to-do list, alert notification, reports edition, consent management) help medical teams to monitor their patients in an efficient way.
Infervision’s InferRead solution suite is a medical imaging solution series that is designed to integrate into the clinical work flow.
itsme has developed 4 strong enablers to digitise or optimise every process where identification, authentication, confirmation and/or signing is key.
Kaspersky offers protection solutions against cybercrime and computer hacking.
In the context of health crisis management, the Resah (purchasing centre in France) has referenced a simplified version of Jouve’s “Know Your Patient” solution, which aims to simplify and secure patient admission to hospital entrance offices.
3D printed artificial repirator developed and approved by medical experts.
The idea? To use digital technologies to remotely monitor patients confined to their homes, in order to hospitalize only patients with severe symptoms.
Max aims to guide healthcare professionals in crisis time or in the achievement of complex processes and to reduce the risk of human error.
MD Management by Soft4Doc is a web-based dashboard that can help management teams to organize medical and nursing presence on-site.
MediConsult is a remote care platform available in SaaS, providing remote consultation, control and monitoring, and data analytics features to help in decision making.
MHLink is a digital and modular platform that allows coordination of care, collaboration between care actors (telemedecine and medical protocols, recommandations…), e-coaching and patient self-management (instructions, videos and e-learning).
moveUP offers a remote rehabilitation program for post THR/TKR procedures (hip and knee replacement) thanks to a mobile app and an activity tracker.
Cooper3D released an open-source STL file of a N95 mask 3D printable. The company is now searching for medical validation of the product.
Nap&Up solution can help healthcare professional to find a peaceful moment of rest during their shift. That can reduce risk of human error due to fatigue and exhaustion.
NeuroCOVID is a platform for neurological tele-expertise and multi-disability for patients contaminated with COVID-19. More than 100 experts are available.
Your solution? A digital platform to support people living with neurological conditions and healthcare professionals in monitoring, understanding and managing…
NorSimS is the Center of simulation of the Normandy Region in France. NorSimS developed several tutorials (Youtube videos) that address crucial questions regarding hygiene measures and medical procedures.
Novel Coronavirus screening functionality for TrakCare is quick to respond to help clinicians screen and support patients with 2019-nCov.
Octapi is a teleassistance solution that transforms the senior’s house into a « smart » house.
Opal Solutions offers Careboard solution, a centralized dashboard that allows hospitals’ managers to monitor daily activities and resources.
The solution Orthanc is an open-source medical imaging server. It allows to store and view medical imaging in a simple…
OxyGEN is an open hardware prototype that has been collaboratively developed by a group of engineers led by Barcelona based company, PROTOFY.xyz.
PassCOVID® allows citizens to safely and securely inform, medical information on a digital health passport and to share it with the health professionals of their choice.
This platform aims to check drug availability in pharmacies.
Play it safe created a “Corona Prevention Game” that acts as a mean of prevention for the general public.
Profusa can give some insight about the early detection of a virus, notably coronavirus.
Progenda provides an online diary for practitioners and allows patients to schedule an online appointment.
QuestLink is a systematic Patient reported outcomes solution.
Remote monitoring of patients infected with Covid-19.
DataToCare is a software that improves connectivity and data management in the health care sector. It integrates a new COVID-19 module.
COVID-19: Joint notice SF2S/SF2H on materials that can be used to make type I protective masks
UxPrea offers a connected and temperature controlled medical mailbox (Smart PreABbox) in order to ease and secure the sending of biological samples to laboaratories
Snap40 is a monitoring platform that monitors vital signs: oxygen saturation, variations in blood pressure, etc. thanks to a wearable device.
The solution The Soline box developped by Home Based is an assistant that allows seniors or persons with reduced mobility…
Manufactoring of 3d medical protective face shields
Syndo offers telemonitoring and coaching for chronic patients.
Teladoc enables the patient to speak with an expert doctor by phone or videoconference from anywhere in the world.
The solution This web campaign was launched in Sweden to spread the information on how to act to stop spreading…
Therap’e is a regional telehealth platform in the Normandy Region (France).
Tooddoc is a communication web site (or a mobile App on Android or iOS) that puts the HC professional in contact with a patient who is just looking for a quick appointment.
TRAQUP19 platform aims to collect data in order to monitor the health status of the Belgian population.
Tyto is a handheld exam kit and app that lets the patient perform guided medical exams with a healthcare provider, anytime, anywhere.
Wallonia in pocket is an App allowing municipalities to send push notifications to its citizens.
Waystobe is a web application intended to hospitals, companies and the general public that focuses on stress management and personal development.
ZDNet provides a news thread related to COVID-19 (24/7 updated) including resources sharing initiatives from big players from the IR or pharma industries.
Zebra offers a telemedicine solution